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Background to Material Non-Linear Benchmarks

This report aims to provide an understanding of nonlinear Finite Element analysis of problems in which the material behaviour is assumed nonlinear, by using suitable nonlinear benchmarks.

Two types of material nonlinearities are covered, plasticity as a time-independent material behaviour, and creep as a time-dependent material behaviour. An introduction to the fundamental theory of plasticity and creep and an overview of Finite Element nonlinear algorithms are presented in order to provide an insight into how Finite Element algorithms deal with material nonlinearities, and to highlight difficulties that may be encountered in practice.

Specially ‘selected sets of benchmark tests for material nonlinearities are presented in detail to enable. the reader to run the tests to gain an understanding of nonlinear material behaviour.

1.2Classification of Nonlinearities2
1.3General Nonlinear Solution Procedures3
1.4FE Incremental-iterative Procedures3
1.5Difficulties in Modelling Nonlinear Problems5
1.6Nonlinear FE Benchmarks6
2Plasticity (Time-Independent Material Nonlinearity)10
2.2Theoretical Background to Plasticity10
2.3Finite Element Treatment of Plasticity21
2.4Fundamental Benchmarks for Plasticity24
2.5Assembly Benchmarks for Plasticity34
3Creep (Time-Dependent Material Nonlinearity)73
3.2Theoretical Background to Creep73
3.3Finite Element Treatment of Creep79
3.4Fundamental Benchmarks for Creep83
3.5Assembly Benchmarks for Creep90

Document Details

AuthorBecker. A
AudiencesAnalyst Student
Date 1st January 1998


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