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Product Data Management and the Engineering Analysis Environment.

The document provides a basic introduction to Product Data Management (PDM) and Configuration Management (CM) for people working in the Engineering Analysis arena. It describes how the integration of all these areas could bring business benefits.

Configuration management is the process for establishing and maintaining the consistency of a product’s physical and functional attributes with its design and operational information throughout its life, using disciplined change management. PDM systems are software applications that embody many CM concepts to enable users to manage product information and its configuration.

Many companies are gaining benefits from implementing PDM systems to support Configuration Management and some are extending these implementations to hold and integrate their design data and processes with that of Engineering Analysis. This work is hampered by the lack of standards for the data and interfaces for these systems. The document outlines some of the standardisation work that is being carried out internationally.

For the reader, who wishes to implement some of the concepts described, the document outlines the areas the reader can explore and it provides references to enable the reader to obtain more detailed information about the subjects.


1. Introduction5
2. Product Data Management7
2.1 What is it?7
2.2 Why do we need PDM?7
2.3 What do they do?7
2.4 What is Product Data?8
2.5 Typical functions of a PDM system8
2.6 Business usage10
3. Configuration Management11
3.1 Business Process11
3.2 Product Structure12
3.3 Naming conventions and traceability13
3.4 Change13
3.5 Change Management15
3.6 Baselines16
3.7 Effectivity16
4. Benefits of PDM to Engineering Analysis17
4.1 Applying PDM to Engineering Analysis Data17
4.2 Integrating PDM and Engineering Analysis18
4.3 Engineering Judgement22
5. Standards23
5.1 The need for Standards23
5.2 Standards Initiatives24
6. What should the Reader do next?34
7. Definitions and Abbreviations36
7.1 Definitions36
7.2 Abbreviations39
Annex A STEP Agreement on Modularization42

Document Details

AuthorVaughan. C
AudiencesManager Analyst
Date 1st October 2001


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