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Benchmarks for Radiation and Scattering of Sound

Numerical simulations of the radiation and scattering of sound have become a valuable tool for the design of structures with respect to their acoustic behaviour. To this end several commercial software packages have been developed, which are based on the finite element method (FEM) or the boundary element method (BEM) or combinations of both numerical methods. They can be employed for the numerical prediction of the sound field, which is radiated by vibrating structures or scattered by structures. In addition, some software packages offer the possibility of coupled elasto-acoustic analyses, which take account of the interactions between the sound pressure field in a fluid, surrounding an elastic structure and the dynamic behaviour of the structure. Such coupling effects may be important, e.g., for very thin membranes.

The proposed benchmarks refer to acoustic analyses for uncoupled problems by the BEM, i.e, to sound radiation by vibrating structures or the scattering of sound by structures. Coupling effects between structures and acoustic media are neglected.


1. Introduction3
2. General Description of the Benchmarks5
2.1 Sound Radiation of a Vibrating Sphere5
2.2 Sound Radiation of a Cylinder with Vibrating Lateral Surface6
2.3 Scattering of Sound by a Plate with Intersecting Ribs7
3. Details of Each Example9
4. References17

Document Details

AuthorsSvobodnik. A Hofstetter. G Estorff. O
Date 1st January 2003


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