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Connecting the Simulation

This presentation was made at the NAFEMS Americas Conference "Simulation in the Automotive Industry: Creating the Next Generation Vehicle" held on the 16-18 March 2021.

The automotive engineering community is now confronting the largest technology transformation since its inception. The demand to manufacture cleaner, safer, and smarter vehicles, along with providing an overall enhanced driving and ride experience, has never been higher. As a result, engineering teams must discover, evaluate, and successfully implement leading-edge technology and methods to produce reliable, effective results.

Hence, the challenges for automotive engineers are enormous and require a significant increase in the upfront use of numerical simulation capabilities, methods, and processes such that they’re able to efficiently design, manufacture and deliver these innovative technologies to market in greater speeds than ever before.

Resource Abstract

The business drivers for Modeling and Simulation continue to evolve as technology improves and new use-cases are defined. Replacing physical testing with a digital version of the same test is no longer the primary mechanism for adding value. Digitally connecting our modeling and simulation artifacts with physical test facilities, manufacturing facilities, vehicles on the road and our customers will create new and larger opportunities for design and engineering efficiency as well as for improved customer insights.

This session will discuss some of the new tools, methods, and ways of working that are required to fully take advantage of these new, connected opportunities.

Document Details

AuthorNalevanko. J
Date 16th March 2021


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