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Real-Time FEM Simulation for Dynamics of Elastic Bodies

Presentation made by M. Zehn and D. Marinkovic at the NAFEMS Germany Seminar "Practical Aspects in the Structural Dynamics" that was held in Wiesbaden, Germany on the 10th of November 2015.

Seminar Description

Structural dynamics calculations at all stages of product development and the research program are standard in almost all areas of industry. Higher operating loads, speeds, speeds, lightweight structures, extreme application requirements (natural disasters, accidents and attacks), convenience features (acoustics and vibrations), etc. require a safe and economical design of machines, components, equipment and buildings using structural dynamic investigations. In addition to the function, comfort and safety aspects there are also more stringent health and safety regulations that give cause for structural dynamic analysis of structures.Theoretical, software and hardware developments have structural dynamics opened up many opportunities for realistic modeling and simulations. In particular, the combination of FEM, MKS and acoustics programs involving different physical influences has greatly expanded the possibilities of modeling real conditions.However, mistakes can not only lead to considerable loss of time and cost-intensive faulty runs, but also produce seemingly plausible results, their use can have serious consequences. The seminar is contributed from the research, industrial applications and developments in the software an overview of current methods and procedures give the best possible interpretation. The seminar aims to help NAFEMS, safer and more efficient to deal with the CAE tools for structural dynamic investigations. The aim is to discuss the current state of technology and trends and to foster an open dialogue of users, researchers and solution providers.

Document Details

AuthorsZehn. M Marinkovic. D
Date 10th November 2015
OrganisationTechnical University Berlin


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