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Verification and Validation of Fluid Structure Interaction Simulations

Vortex Induced Vibration (VIV) is a common phenomenon in several industrial applications dealing with long flexible structures such as cables supporting bridges or oil-extraction pipes known as risers.

VIV is of high interest because the oil extraction risers are exposed to strong deep-water currents. Hence VIV is arguably the important design issue for steel catenary risers, due to their high potential to be damaged.

Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) problems are approached with various methods based on the physics of the problem in hand.

Depending on expected deformations, stability requirements and cost, an appropriate method is decided.

In this paper we conduct the Verification and Validation of VIV Riser using Altair Multiphysics Technology, here with FSI

Document Details

AuthorPatnaik. U
Date 11th October 2018
OrganisationAltair Engineering


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