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The Elevation of Simulation in the Enterprise

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Model-Based Development. Digital Twins. Model-Based System Engineering. Virtual Sensors. Generative Design. 

As products increasingly include more electronics, software, and internet connectivity, these ideas promise great potential in validating requirements fulfillment and reducing reliance on prototyping. What lies at the center of each of them? Simulation models. In this presentation, Chad Jackson from Lifecycle Insights will review each of these concepts, showing how they connect back to engineering simulations. But more importantly, he will discuss how these concepts, and their associated initiatives, are elevating the importance of analysis in the enterprise.

About the Speaker

Chad Jackson is an analyst, researcher and blogger providing insights on technologies and used to design products.

As a prolific writer, he has published educational thought leadership topics hundreds of times. As a sought-after speaker, he has presented dozens of times both domestically and internationally. As an astute researcher, he has surveyed thousands of engineering organizations as part of his research studies. As a commonsense co-host of numerous web shows, he has debated and pushed the limits on critical issues. Overall, Chad is an influential, independent and insightful voice on technologies used to design products.

Document Details

AuthorJackson. C
Date 3rd April 2018
OrganisationLifecycle Insights


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