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Driving Increased Simulation Applications through Better Business Impact Quantification


While for many doing simulation driven design, the benefits are obvious, however because the benefits are often "baked in" and people do not readily want to admit what they would otherwise have done, the Business Impact is often not clear to decision makers and those who manage the budgets related to simulation hardware and software.

The NAFEMS Business Impact Working Group is proposing a methodology that has been assembled from best practices across a number of companies where the value created by simulation and related digital work processes is appropriately valued. We are sharing this with the hope that others who are struggling to quantify the Business Impact of their work will find it helpful.


  • Intro by Lisa Rimback & Joe Walsh, NAFEMS ASSESS Initiative
  • Presentation by Mark Meili, Modeling Enabled Innovation, Leadership, & Insight

A​bout the speaker

M​ark Meili

Mark Meili held a variety of technical and management positions in both R&D and Product Supply Engineering within Procter & Gamble. Most recently he led Modeling & Simulation as a capability for the Corporation as well as Product and Package data systems spanning both organizations and technical work processes from research to commercialization to supply chain operation. Mark owned innovation strategy for these tools and methods as well as the computing hardware and software strategies that enables them. Mark received Bachelor of Science degrees from Kansas State University, one in Mechanical Engineering and one in Grain Science & Industry.

Mark served in the U.S. Department of Energy’s ExaScale Computing Project Industrial Advisory Board and currently serves the NAFEMS ASSESS Business Challenges Theme Committee. Mark has contributed to a Visioning Workshop with the National Science Foundation and a National Academy of Engineering workshop to accelerate Commercialization of U.S. Government sponsored research.

Mark now consults and does keynote speaking for a variety of for profit and nonprofit organizations on topics ranging from the benefits of Digital Transformation to Innovation, to applied problem solving.

Document Details

AuthorMeili. M
TypePresentation Recording
Date 20th April 2023
OrganisationASSESS Initiative


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