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The Functional-Mockup-Interface: How FMI Enables Process Innovation

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The Functional Mockup Interface (FMI) is a relatively recent standard for model exchange and co-simulation of dynamic models on the system and component level. It has been adopted by vendors and users alike at an amazing pace (more than 60 tools at the moment) because it addresses a critical pain point in model-based systems engineering, namely the ability to share models between tools, and to deploy models to development engineers. FMI breaks down barriers between departments and companies to collaborate more efficiently without major investments in new tool chains or training and enables efficient re-use of existing modeling assets. The talk will present examples and scenarios from customer use of FMI in the following key areas:

•Connecting FEM and CFD models with systems: why is it needed and what are the advantages?
•Connecting controls models into simulation tools to improve design quality and coherence
•A breakthrough in enabling collaboration: connecting tools quickly and efficiently
•Cost efficient enterprise deployment of executable models
•Virtualization of the controls development process: SIL development capturing features otherwise reserved for HIL
•Reuse of validated models for simulators, e.g. driver-in-the-loop simulators for automotive customers
•State-of-the-art multi-core support to enable real-time simulations of unprecedented accuracy

In combination, there features enable process innovations and efficiency gains that put model-based development in reach even for small- to mid-sized engineering departments.

Document Details

AuthorsTummescheit. H Ladzinski. E
Date 26th February 2015
OrganisationsModelica Association E.A Ladzinski & Assoc


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