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ITEA VMAP - A new Interface Standard for Integrated Virtual Material Modelling in Manufacturing Industry

first beta version of the VMAP Standard has now been released, and is available at

VMAP is an open and free standard for the transfer of information between simulations within a process chain, no matter what software is used to carry these out. This provides engineers with a fast solution to pass information from one calculation to another without needing to create one-off interfaces.

VMAP provides a detailed and well-defined open-source standard, accompanied by a software library of input/output tools to read/write the VMAP data files and enable fast development of transfer operations between different software packages. Many software companies and suppliers have included, or are working on including, VMAP into their tools. Learn more by visiting:

It continues to be developed and will be supported by the extensive VMAP Standards Community, including software companies, consultancies, users and standards developers.

This webinar explores:

  • what VMAP is
  • why software vendors, simulation analysts, and methods developers should use it
  • the I/O software libraries
  • use cases describing different implementations of the standard
  • the future vision for the standard and the community
  • …and more

Document Details

AuthorsWolf. K Gulati. P Duffett. G
AudiencesDeveloper Analyst
Date 30th January 2020


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