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AI, Data Driven Models & Machine Learning: How Will Advanced Technologies Drive Future Simulation Processes?

Artificial Intelligence (AI), aside from being a media-friendly hot-topic, has been part of engineering analysis and simulation for some time. Recent advances in data science techniques in support of data driven models, especially in the application of AI, machine learning (deep learning) and predictive analytics, have brought these concepts to the fore in every area of industry. This webinar will discuss where we are, including some successful case studies, and how these technologies are being used to advance significantly the engineering analysis and simulation capabilities and approaches over the next 10 years.

Webinar Series Background

In this ground-breaking webinar series from NAFEMS and Revolution in Simulation on "Achieving Pervasive Engineering Simulation: 2020-2030," we’ll be looking beyond the present to the next ten years of advancements in simulation that are needed to support Systems Thinking for a Model Based Enterprise. The series will explore how the latest technology trends and simulation methods will develop and impact our industry and society during the next decade.

Document Details

AuthorsFischer. O Betts. J Tabaddor. M
Date 19th November 2020
OrganisationsAerospace Systems Design Laboratory Front End Analytics Underwriters Laboratories


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