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Applications of SPDM in Aircraft Structural Analysis at Embraer

This presentation was made at the NAFEMS Americas CAASE19 Virtual Conference.


For finite element analysis (FEA) of a structure such as an aircraft, the model needs to be decomposed so each team can concentrate on its specialized domain — the fuselage, wings, or control surfaces — with the appropriate level of details. Ensuring that the design changes made at the component level are faithfully recorded and accounted for at the system level is often a challenge. Simulation processes used to analyze these design changes are composed of chained applications that generate a sea of digital information. It's not feasible to manually keep track of the connections among all the digital artifacts generated by those processes. You can effectively manage the cascading changes and the dependencies among all the digital artifacts using the Simulation Process and Data Management (SPDM) technology. In this presentation, you'll hear about the proven strategies deployed at Embraer to: Increase simulation throughput; Improve data traceability; Standardize and automate the simulation processes.

Document Details

AuthorBritto Maria. R
Date 8th October 2019
OrganisationYabora Industria Aeronautica S.A.


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