This ASME guide is a valuable introduction to a subject that is of importance to analysts of all levels; and although aimed primarily at computational mechanics, is applicable to all fields of simulation. The importance of Verification and Validation (V&V) of analysis is not always fully appreciated; and is often misunderstood. In writing this guide ASME has produced an excellent introduction to the subject, which both demonstrates the importance of V&V to engineering simulation; and presents a range of generic methods for performing V&V processes.
The guide recognises that the modelling of the physics of problems encompasses simple systems, such as linear elastic structures, through more complex non-linear systems to those cases where several inter-related physical process need to be modelled together or as separate stages in an overall simulation. With this in mind methods for carrying out the V&V process on all types of models are described, along with a discussion on the development of a V&V plan.
The guide finally examines the two processes separately, verification with respect to the numerical fidelity of the simulation; and validation with respect to the representation of the physics. The section on verification looks into the various techniques for testing the accuracy of the numerical solution, from the use of closed form solutions, to alternative numerical benchmark solutions. The validation section provides a background description of the design of validation experiments, uncertainty and assessment of accuracy.
This ASME guide complements the documents being produced by the NAFEMS Analysis Management Working Group (AMWG); and will provide a base reference for NAFEMS documents on V&V. The AMWG looks forward to continuing our already strong relationship with the ASME V&V committee.
ISBN #: 079183042X
Published: 2006
Product Type : Print-Book
No. of pages: 36
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