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Adib Becker

Adib Becker

Adib Becker - NAFEMS Tutor

Adib Becker is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Nottingham. He has been Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Nottingham since 2001 until his retirement in 2019. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and a founder-member of the NAFEMS Professional Simulation Engineer Certification.

He has 40 years of experience in advanced computational mechanics techniques and has supervised many externally-funded research projects supported by the UK research councils, EU and industry. He has published over 275 external publications in the open literature, including 141 international journal papers and 4 textbooks; on Boundary Element Methods (McGraw-Hill 1992) and on Finite Element Methods (Wiley 2003; NAFEMS 2001 and 2013).

He has served as Chairman of the IMechE Structural Technology and Materials Committee and was a Member of the IMechE Professional Review Committee. He has also served on NAFEMS committees since 1992, and is the Chairman of the NAFEMS Education and Training Committee and Chairman of the NAFEMS Professional Simulation Engineer Board. He has delivered, over the last 25 years, many short courses on Finite Element Analysis aimed at practising engineers.