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Miguel Herraez

Miguel Herraez

Miguel Herraez- NAFEMS TutorMiguel Herraez got his BSc on Mechanical Engineering in 2011 after completing an internship in WVU (West Virginia, US). During his Phd, Miguel collaborated as visiting researcher at NASA Langley (Virginia, US). Upon completion of his Phd on Computational Micromechanics of Composites, he worked as a Postdoc at EPFL (Switzerland) in the development of high-fidelity models of laminated composites.

In 2020 he founded TecnoDigital School which provides technical training in the field of numerical simulation using finite elements combined with automation and programming skills. His contribution in the field of numerical analysis of composite materials is translated into more than 20 peer-reviewed publications.

His doctoral thesis was awarded with the Polytechnic University of Madrid best Phd thesis, the AEMAC best Phd award and the SEMNI award. He is also the developer of the software Viper for the generation of artificial 2D microstructures and FE model generation.