Call for Abstracts

C​all for Abstracts - NAFEMS World Congress 2025

#​## if you can still see the form, you can still submit your abstract! ###

Add your name to the list of those who have had the honour of presenting at a NAFEMS World Congress.

T​his is the heart of the simulation world, where industrial users from organisations big and small share the stage with specialist consultants, software experts, inspiring keynote presentations, and distinguished names from academia.

We’ve made it simpler than ever before to take part. All you need to get started is your 300-600 word abstract.

If accepted, you will be asked to submit a paper of around 1,500-10,000 words before January 31st, 2025, and your presentation by April 25th.

Bring your most inspired work to the fore and share it with the rich and diverse modelling & simulation community that the NAFEMS World Congress has been bringing together for over three decades. Submit your abstract today.

W​hich topics will we accept?

We'll consider e​very topic related to engineering analysis, modelling, and simulation. We've prepared a list here of some of the topics and areas we'll be including, but if your topic related to simulation, we'll consider it.

I​mportant Dates

Abstract Deadline
22 November 2024

Notification of Abstract Acceptance
20 December 2024

Paper Deadline
31 January 2025

Preliminary Agenda Published
28 February 2025

Author Registration Deadline
10 March 2025

Presentation Submission Deadline
25 April 2025

P​latinum Sponsor

Dassault Systems - Platinum Sponsors of the NAFEMS World Congress 2025

Gold Sponsor

A view of Salzburg, Austria, on a summer day
Mozart statue in Salzburg, Austria
Salzburg Congress, Austria, home of the NAFEMS World Congress 2025