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Real-World Applications of AI and ML in Digital Engineering

Real-World Applications of AI and ML in Digital Engineering

Tuesday 11 March 2025 | Coventry, UK

From medicine to consumer product design, sport to culture and art, practical, real-world applications of ML/AI techniques combined with engineering design methodologies are expanding rapidly. And whilst physics-based Machine Learning approaches are starting to make their way into the engineering simulation processes, generative AI is already revolutionising our engineering activities.

To explore, highlight, and discuss these ground-breaking developments, NAFEMS, together with the Alan Turing Institute, is organising an exclusive workshop on March 11th 2025, in Coventry, UK. We will be engaging with a broad range of voices from the engineering and R&D communities in academic, industrial and software organisations.

This event is being jointly organised with The Alan Turing Institute and supported by SuperAIRE Initiative, STFC Hartree Centre, aSuperAIRE and the Manufacturing Technology Centre.


08:30 Registration

Chairman's Introduction & Welcome
Nadir Ince, GE Vernova

Morning Session : New Methodologies

Keynote Address - Data-Centric Engineering for Decarbonisation
Adam Sobey, The Alan Turing Institute

The Evolving AI Ecosystem and its Effect on Business Adoption
Jonathan Smith, STFC

10:45 Refreshment break

Opportunities for Generative AI in Design, Simulation, and Optimisation of Engineering Systems
Andrew Duncan, The Alan Turing Institute

Using AI Based Generative Design Systems to Trade Off Weight, Waste and Complex Performance Criteria
Mark Price, Queens University Belfast

12:05 Lunch break

13:15 Afternoon Session : ML/AI Applications

Physics-Informed Machine Learning for Wind Energy Applications
Jincheng Zhang, University of Warwick

Leveraging Scientific-ML for Additive Manufacturing Process Simulation
Ajit Panesar, Imperial College

Use of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Turbomachinery Aero-thermodynamics
Shahrokh Shahpar, Rolls-Royce Plc

14:35 Refreshment break

Harnessing Machine Learning Techniques for Multi Modal Damage Detection
Samruddhi Mhatre & Ivan Letuchev, Airbus and Will Alden, CFMS

AI Potential for Aerodynamic Wheel Drag Predictions and Optimisation
Santhosh Jayaraju, Jaguar Land Rover

Utilising AI and ML in the Design Process within Aerospace
Tim Newman, National Composites Centre

Expert Led Panel Discussion Session & Closing Remarks

16:45 Close



Holiday Inn Coventry

H​oliday Inn Coventry, M6 J2
Hinckley Road
T​el: 0247 6587400

H​otel D​irections


W​e have secured a limited number of bedrooms at the discounted rate of £135, on a bed and breakfast basis. Please book directly with the hotel, mentioning that you are attending the NAFEMS event. This allocation will be released on February 11th 2025.

T​hank you to our co-sponsors

The Alan Turing Institute





Hartree Centre




We would like to extend an invitation to your company to be part of this event. There are several outstanding opportunities available for your company to sponsor the seminar, giving you maximum exposure to a highly targeted audience of delegates, who are all directly involved in simulation, analysis, and design.


P​lease contact the event organiser
Jo Potts, for further information;
+44 (0)1355 225688