07:00 (Los Angeles) | 10:00 (New York)
15:00 (London) | 16:00 (Berlin)
Extended SMS Community meeting #70 – February 2025 - during the INCOSE International Workshop IW ‘25
This is a bit earlier in the day than usual as it is being held as part of the annual INCOSE International Workshop (IW25). This meeting will be a hybrid SMS community meeting with a 2-hour duration. The meeting will remain open for any SMS community members to join online.
The System Structure and Parameterization (SSP) Standard version 1 has been released in 2019 to capture the evolution of a hierarchical complex system model and its variants. The subsystems can be any model type with defined input-output interfaces but are typically models in either the Functional-Mockup-Interface (FMI) Standard, or, now in Version 2.0, using the Modelica Language. In systems engineering terms, the SSP standard is a formalized, executable Interface Control Document (ICD) for the system model. It thus forms the basis for model verification and verification of such system models. Adoption has been fastest in the Automotive industry, mostly due to the strong need for formal supplier-OEM collaboration including the exchange of executable models.
SSP also offers “Layered Standards”, to add documentation, model reports and process artifacts in a standardized, but flexible and extensible manner.
In this session, we will present the SSP-standard and its use cases, and the SSP-Traceability Layered standard that adds traceability metadata to an SSP-based model. Finally, we will demonstrate an example model in SSP using the EasySSP cloud-based tool.
Hubertus Tummescheit is the President and Chief Engineer of Model Based Innovation LLC., and a co- founder of Modelon. Model Based Innovation LLC provides software solutions and expert services to organizations that use model-based simulation tools to design and develop cyber-physical systems.
He has been involved in the Design of the Modelica language from the beginning and is the developer of a number of open source and commercial Modelica Libraries in the energy and HVAC domains. In 2003 he worked as a research scientist at United Technologies Research Center and returned to Sweden in 2004 to start Modelon AB, the first company fully dedicated to tools and services based on Modelica and FMI. Dr. Tummescheit is also a member of the board of the Modelica Association, and of the FMI steering committee. He is active in the future development of both standards.
Dr. Tummescheit has served as the CEO of Modelon AB from 2004 to 2012 and moved to Hartford, Connecticut in 2013 to establish Modelon as a leading force of innovation in system simulation in the United States of America. Since 2024 he leads an independent consultancy organization that is dedicated to help customers implement the digital thread for model based product development and digital twins for product operations.
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