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Guidelines for Validation of Engineering Simulations

In recent years, simulation has become increasingly important to industrial decision-making. As a result, expectations for simulation credibility have risen significantly. To achieve this goal, appropriate Verification, Validation & Uncertainty Quantification (VVUQ) processes are essential, with validation playing a central role. However, successful implementation of validation faces several challenges. One of the primary issues is the availability of dedicated high-quality experiments that serve as validation referents, in line with recommendations of existing standards. Therefore, a broader range of validation referents needs to be considered in practice, leading to a wide spectrum of validation approaches with varying levels of rigour and credibility. Consequently, assessing the rigour of validation becomes increasingly important.

In light of these challenges, this book focuses specifically on the validation of physics-based simulation models. Our aim is to provide guidance for industry practitioners, helping them overcome these obstacles and enhance the credibility of their simulation results.

The book has been written by a team of four authors, all from different engineering simulation backgrounds, aiming at covering a broad scope of engineering simulation domains. Its content intentionally avoids focusing on any specific discipline within engineering simulation or any particular industrial application.

There is a justifiable debate over the use and definition of the word “validation” in the context of engineering simulation. NAFEMS has adopted the definition of ISO 9000, as per ISO 9001:2015, “Quality management systems, Requirements”, which is the basis of the NAFEMS “Engineering Simulation Quality Management Standard” (ESQMS). Other organizations, notably the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and their ASME VVUQ standards, require validation to be based on empirical evidence, i.e. physical experiments. The ISO/NAFEMS definition embeds the more stringent ASME definition as a subset, but allows for a wider range of validation referents, so that the same processes can be applied on applications with varying criticality and credibility requirements.

There are two key contributions of this book. First of all, it formally introduces the concept of a “spectrum of validation methods”. The methods span the range from the strict definition of validation used in the ASME VVUQ standards, through to weaker validation approaches, including those supported by expert review. The introduction of the spectrum of validation methods is purposely high level and may need appropriate tailoring for application to specific industry applications. This tailoring is well outside of the scope of this book. The second main contribution of the book lies in the formal definition of validation rigour attributes that significantly impact the credibility of simulations. It is recommended to incorporate these rigour attributes during the specification and planning of validation activities. Furthermore, this contribution is expected to stimulate additional work, particularly in defining a validation rigour scale.

The book is not intended to replace or supersede any specific standard, or other regulatory material.


1Introduction: Validation Fundamentals1
1.1ISO Verification and Validation Definitions1
1.2ASME Verification and Validation Definitions for Engineering Simulation2
1.3Validation Activities for ISO 9001 and NAFEMS ESQMS2
1.4Validation and Predictive Capability3
1.5Hierarchical Validation6
1.6Validation and Risk for Decision Making7
2Validation in the Context of the Engineering Simulation Process9
2.1Simulation Requirements10
2.2Simulation and V&V Planning11
2.3The Modelling Process12
2.4Code Verification and Solution Verification14
2.5Validation Referent Activities and Model Accuracy Assessment16
2.6Model Acceptance17
2.7Engineering Product Assessment17
3Validation Methods19
3.1Validation Rigour Main Attributes20
3.2Classification of Methods24
3.3Category 1: Methods Supported by Physical Measurements28
3.4Category 2: Validation Supported by Simulation Results34
3.5Category 3: Validation Supported by Expert Review39
3.6Rigour Characterization of Validation Methods41
4Guidelines for Hierarchical Validation43
A1Appendix A1: Model Validation for Critical Applications47

International Standard Book Number: 978-1-83979-218-2 
First Published: 2024 
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Springwood - Booths Park 
Chelford Road 
WA16 8QZ 
United Kingdom 

Copyright © NAFEMS 2024. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a data base or retrieval system without prior permission of the publisher. 

Document Details

AuthorsImbert. J-F Widlund. O Karl. A Roger. C
AudiencesAnalyst Manager
Date 2nd December 2024


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