Professor David Ewins , Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, U.K.
Find Moelholt Jensen, Risø National Laboratory, Denmark.
Users of simulation techniques such as FEA and CFD are frequently required to demonstrate that their predictions of behaviour agree with reality. The capabilities to test structures have been developed over many years and continue to evolve, but testing can often be expensive and can only be performed on a limited number of cases.
The real power of simulation and testing can only be truly unleashed if the two methods are used in conjunction with one another. This seminar will be an industry led event in partnership with NAFEMS, BSSM and the IMechE. It will aim to provide the attendees with a thorough overview of how modern simulation methods compare against data derived from experimentation, from a range of industrial case studies.
This event is the third of the series. The previous events, held in November 2004 & 2005, proved to be extremely popular. Many of the delegates expressed their strong desire to attend a similar event in 2006. Once again the event will provide attendees with technical papers of genuin
e interest and educational value, a packed program including lively discussion and a useful exhibition area.
Tim Morris, NAFEMS Ltd
Aspects of Non-Linear Bending Behaviour of a Wind-Turbine Blade Under Full-Scale Testing
Find Jensen, Riso Labs – Keynote Presentation)
Andy Morris, e.on - Session Chairman.
Vibration Test Rig Design Using Model Based Engineering
Kevin Garraway, AWE Plc.
Plastic Failure in RC Slabs Under Static Loading
Rory Lennon, Halcrow Special Structures
Assessment of Sub Surface Stresses Using a Hybrid Experimental/Numerical Approach
Janice Barton, University of Southamption
Rapid Design and Analysis Methodology for Large Aero Engine Structures
Simon Nelson, Rolls Royce
Towards the Integration of Analysis and Test in Structural Dynamics
David Ewins, Imperial College London (Keynote Presentation)
Bob Johnson, DAMT - Session Chairman
Analysis of Helicopter Ditching – Hydrodynamic Modelling and Comparison with Tank Tests
Richard Scott, Frazer-Nash Consultancy Ltd
Integrated use of CAE and Test in Aerospace Structural Dynamics: Results from the EC Integrated Project VIVACE
Sylvain Chazot, LMS International
Simulating Failure. How Simulation can be Used as Part of the Testing Process
Sharon Mellings, CM Beasy Ltd
Phil Bradbury, METEC Ltd - Session Chairman
Validation of FEA Predictions Using Strain Mapping Techniques
Michael Gower, NPL Managements Ltd
Comparison of FE Modelling and Neutron Diffraction Measurements when Studying the Effects of Mechanical Tensioning for Controlling Residual Stresses in Friction Stir Welds
David Richards, University of Manchester
FEA of a Feedheater Waterbox – Correlation with Cracking Observed in Practice
Bob Johnson, DAMT Ltd.
Integrated Experimental and Computational Testing of Aerospace Stiffened Panels: Toward Virtual Testing
Adrian Murphy, Queens University Belfast
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