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Strategies for Deploying Expert and Casual CAE Tools

Strategies for Deploying Expert and Casual CAE Tools

NAFEMS Webinar Series


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(NAFEMS Members)



CAD vendors often maintain that a CAD-based approach driven by CAD designers will expand the use of CAE throughout the engineering organization. Meanwhile, experienced CAE analysts understand that casual CAE users without rigorous engineering knowledge are unlikely to be able to realize meaningful results.

We contend that engineering organizations should deploy CAE to optimize their engineering process, and that CAE should be used as much as practicable. However, success is not guaranteed by mere software acquisition. Engineering organizations must foster an environment where the right users are enabled with CAE and where they are empowered to use CAE at the most influential phases of the design process.

In this presentation, we will describe how CAE can be most effectively used in engineering processes. We will then discuss what types of engineers are likely to produce the most accurate and precise results and what types of tools are appropriate for these use cases. Finally, we will share feedback on when to use and when not to use CAE.



Welcome & Introduction
Matthew Ladzinski, NAFEMS North America


Strategies for Deploying Expert and Casual CAE Tools
Blake Courter, SpaceClaim


Q & A Session


About the Presenter

Blake Courter, Co-Founder, SpaceClaim Corporation
Blake Courter, Co-Founder, SpaceClaim Corporation

Blake Courter is a founder of SpaceClaim Corporation, where he helps product development organizations make 3D more accessible to all engineers. Blake started his career at PTC, where he held a range of product management and business development positions. He received a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Princeton University in 1996.