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Details for Authors

The Journal publishes CFD case study papers, i.e. investigations, simulations and validation exercises in accordance with CFD best practice guidelines. Original papers, book reviews and letters to the Editor are acceptable. The purpose of the Journal is to disseminate information to the wider NAFEMS community interested in the application of CFD for industrial design.

In the first instance, authors should contact the editor to propose the paper title and date for submission. All proposals and papers are peer reviewed by the editorial board. The editor reserves the right to edit any submitted paper before publication. When published, NAFEMS reserves the right to distribute any article in an electronic format including translation into languages other than English.

When a paper is submitted for publication, the author accepts that NAFEMS may publish the paper in any of its media channels, at any time, unless specific exclusions are specified at the outset.

The format of the submitted paper should be MSWord with graphics and photographs as TIFF / JPEG files (300dpi).

Please send proposals and papers to: Professor Don McGlinchey at