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FE Issues Related to Structural Integrity (Fracture, Fatigue, Creep)

Durability and Life Extension (DLE)

FE Issues Related to Structural Integrity (Fracture, Fatigue, Creep)

The first two workshops on the FENET technology theme of Durability and Life Extension  identified several topics related to structural integrity which are common to several industry sectors. This workshop focused on the FE analysis of fracture, fatigue and creep problems, and identified further workshop topics on the theme of structural integrity.

The main objectives of this workshop were:

  • To provide an overview of the current state of FE technology in applications related to structural integrity, particularly in fracture, fatigue and creep.
  • To provide a discussion forum to identify the need for FE benchmarks in structural integrity
  • To identify specialist workshop topics in structural integrity

Workshop Chairman

Prof. A.A. Becker (University of Nottingham - United Kingdom)

Presentations for Download

session 1

Fatigue Life Improvement of an Innovative Suspension System
Nawal K Prinja (NNC Ltd. - United Kingdom)

Defect Assessment of a Pressure Vessel Nozzle
Keith Wright (Structural Integrity Assessments Ltd.- United Kingdom)

Commercial FEM Codes Customisations for Creep-Fatigue Damage Assessment
Mauro Fontana (University of Naples “Federico II” - Italy)

Generalised Computational Analysis of Contact Fatigue Initiation
Miran Ulbin (University of Maribor - Slovenia)

Integrated FEM Based Package for Fatigue and Damage Tolerance – SAFE
Emmanuelle Alios (Airbus - France), Jean-Pascal Kleinermann (Samtech - France)

session 2

Fatigue Problems in Floating Production Storage and Offloading Vessels
Mirek Kaminski (Marin - The Netherlands)

Predicting Stress Intensity Factors for Cracked Structural Components Using the Fractal-like Finite Element Method
S. O. Oyadiji (University of Manchester - United Kingdom)

Comparison Between Numerical and Simplified Analytical Models for the Evaluation of Residual Stresses in Welded Plates
Paolo Ferro (University of Padova - Italy)

3D Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures
Zdenek Bittnar (Technical University Prague - Czech Republic)

session 3 - day 2

Industrial Application of Fatigue Damage Analysis and FEM
Omar Salomon (CIMNE - Spain)

Crack Propagation Simulation with MSC.Marc
Christophe Noiret (MSC.Software - France)

Analysis of Aircraft Impact on Containment of NPP
Zdenek Bittnar (Technical University Prague - Czech Republic)

Shape Optimisation Based on Fatigue Life Estimation Results
Peter Allinger (FE-Design GmbH - Germany)