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Authors Instructions

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for contributing to the NAFEMS Regional Conference UK 2022

Extended Abstract

An extended abstract should now be provided. We would like the extended abstract to include further details of your presentation. This abstract will be incorporated within the meeting proceedings, which will be distributed at the conference.

To allow sufficient time for the proceedings to include your extended abstract, we ask that you submit it to us by email ( no later than Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022. (Note: Any submissions delivered after this date will not be included in conference materials).

The recommended length of an extended abstract is 2-4 pages.

Please adhere to the format and style provided in the template (i.e., do not change text font/style or size). If you're copying and pasting from a separate working document, right click where you wish to paste text and choose the "Keep Text Only" option. This will help to ensure you do not carry over incorrect formatting from the previous document. Note: Any submissions not using the template provided will be returned to the author.

Please carefully read the Author Instructions document



We will require a copy of your presentation by Wednesday, 1st June 2022. We would like your presentation to last for no more than 20 minutes. We will add five-minutes for questions, discussion, and transition following each presentation.
NAFEMS will be combining all presentations in advance of the conference and loading your final presentation onto a laptop computer at the venue. You will have the opportunity to view your presentation in the break before your session.
In addition, a copy of your presentation slides (as a .pdf, modified as necessary) will be available post-event, on the NAFEMS website (subject to your approval).



Please complete and submit the speaker biography form. This brief form is designed to assist the session chair when introducing you. Please return the completed form to NAFEMS (, along with your presentation, by Wednesday, 1st June 2022.
Important: Please provide brief speaking points for the session chair to share as part of your introduction. Full length biographies will be trimmed down at the discretion of the chair.


NRC22 UK, NAFEMS UK Conference

Important Documents






Important Dates

Mid March First draft agenda published

25/04/2022 Deadline for booking discounted hotel accommodation

03/05/2022 Extended abstract submission deadline

03/05/2022 Presenter registration deadline

01/06/2022 Presentation deadline

01/06/2022 Presenter biography submission deadline

07/06/2022 NAFEMS UK Conference begins


NRC22 UK Quick Links





Important Dates